Embracing High-Intensity Training for Your Generation Fit Workout
No doubt, if you are into fitness at all, you have heard about High-Intensity Training. HIT is brief, infrequent, and intense exercises to increase strength are the high-intensity training method’s fundamental message. And, at Generation Fitness, we believe maximum results can be seen when our clients use high-intensity training in their routines.
High-Intensity training is a skill best taught with supervision at a gym and with a qualified trainer. And the trainers at Generation Fit are here to help you break it down, understand the practice, and reach your goals.
The History of High-Intensity Training
Made famous by Arthur Jones in 1970 and HIT was made increasingly popular in the 2010s. You see, Mr. Jones is the founder of Nautilus fitness equipment, marketing the Bowflex and Stairmaster and inventor of several other fitness products. The intention in the workout is to perform repetitions to the point of utter physical exhaustion. However, that’s just the beginning.
Sounds like fun, right?
The Benefits of High-Intensity Training
Often called HIT raining, this regimen will target a single part of the body with one or two exercises. This requires a set of 6-10 single set reps for upper body training and more for the lower body. Ultimately, these sets are complete only by momentary muscular failure, pushing the body beyond its current levels. In these reps, the intensity is the focus over repetition, and the movements are done in a smooth motion.
Many can use HIT to break workout routine plateaus and take the lifter to the next level, achieving maximum results. So, when integrated into a regular workout schedule, there are several benefits to consider.
- Burn fat while building muscle.
- It is a good option for busy schedules.
- Increase in metabolism.
- Builds muscle mass faster than things like running and low weight high rep training.
- Push through weight-training plateaus.
- The ever-changing routine avoids boredom.
Those all sound great right? But where does one get started? We know, there is so much information on high-intensity training out there, it can be overwhelming. How about you just dive on in, with Generation Fitness? Because we are here to help, we guarantee you will succeed.
No Excuses, Just Start
Hard work is the key to any beneficial work out regimen. With the HIT method, the trainee will vary the routine up and work separate muscle groups avoiding boredom and plateaus. Along with your Generation Fit trainer, you will achieve your goals in record time with excellent results.
So, just what are your fitness goals?
- Do you want to lose weight?
- Do you have health concerns that weight training would benefit from?
- Are you a beginner in strength training?
- Do you need to break a plateau in your workout routine?
- Is it time for you to take your workouts to the competitive level?
No matter the goal, your fitness routine can be totally custom. As a result, Using High-intensity training will help you meet and even exceed those goals.
Get started by contacting a trainer at Generation Fitness. After discussing your goals and assessing your current fitness plan, we can begin to instruct you on the dos and don’ts of High-intensity training methods.
Schedule your High-Intensity Training consultation session today!