
Maintain Your Goal Weight With these Summer Fitness Training Tips

Summer fitness tips for personal training.

Summertime is the perfect time to get outdoors and stay on track with your fitness goals, but you should also consider certain factors before pursuing your fitness journey. If you are dedicated to getting into shape or maintaining your fitness level, consider the following information to prevent issues during summertime fitness training. Whether you are interested in personal fitness training, small group training, or nutritional support, keep this information in mind and make the most out of your efforts.

Consider The Heat

The heat of summertime can pose risks to anyone who is active outside. There are some things to keep in mind if you plan to participate in outdoor routines or physical activity in general. Summer fitness training can be dangerous if you don’t consider these factors:

  • Exposure to prolonged heat
  • Dehydration
  • Time of day
  • Length of activities

Heat Exposure And Limiting Activity

The recommended time to be active outdoors during the warm weather months is before 10 a.m. and after 3 p.m. when temperatures are lower. If the heat of the day is extreme, you want to avoid working out directly in the sun and limit activity to 10 minutes at a time. Take frequent breaks and make sure to rest to avoid heat exposure illnesses and heat stroke. Heat strokes can affect people of all ages and can be a serious health issue.

Stay Hydrated

Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink water. Drink water a few times per hour and make sure you keep a large bottle on hand while exercising in the heat. Not only should you drink water while exercising and in the heat, but you should also continue to drink water at regular intervals while at work or inside of your home.

Consider Group Training

A great way to stay on track with summer fitness is to participate in small group training activities. An example would be yoga in the park early in the morning. You can also participate in workout sessions designed for your particular fitness level with small group training classes offered in Dunedin. It is more economical, but still gives you a higher level of personal attention than large group training or solo training with a standard gym membership.

Eat Light

Good nutrition is important year-round to help keep you feeling and looking your best. In the summer, however, you want to eat lighter meals that give you the nutrients you need without feeling weighed down in the heat. Fresh fruit and nutritious smoothies make an excellent breakfast or lunch option. For dinner, don’t forget to include a lean protein and include plenty of fresh, colorful veggies. Avoid tempting cool treats like shakes, ice cream, popsicles, and snow cones. They are counterproductive to your fitness journey and contain high amounts of sugar.

Switch Up Your Routine

You may be tempted to avoid exercising when the weather warms up. Keep it interesting by changing up your routine daily. Take a different route for your walk or run. Incorporate swimming in your workout if possible, and you can even start walking on the beach or bicycling in the morning or evening.

Contact Generation Fit for Summer Fitness Training and Nutritional Tips

Plan a summer fitness strategy that includes eating a balanced diet, exercising in the morning or evening and avoiding peak daytime heat, In addition, stay well hydrated and keep exercising interesting. If you are interested in streamlining your fitness routine, contact Generation Fit today at 813-340-3008 and discover a better summer fitness routine.